Friday, November 19, 2010

Video Editing

Is anyone else as excited about learning to edit videos as I am? While I can think of plenty of ways to use it in the classroom, I'm more interested in it from a personal perspective. I have tons of video that we've taken over the years, none of which has ever been viewed or edited. I realize that the tool we're using isn't that fancy, but just to learn the basics is exciting to me.

I hope everyone has a great break. I won't be able to do much school work over the break, so I'm predicting a little bit of a panic for myself when we all get back.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty pumped about editing videos too. In fact, I tried to borrow a Flip video from the media center Tuesday to use for field experience and an ELL friend, but they were all checked out. I am excited about all that gadgets coming out as I'm entering the teaching force, and editing is sooooooo much easier than it was when Charlie Chaplin was around!
