Monday, October 4, 2010

How to Save Your Blog for Printing

I found a great tip for printing! You can, of course, print straight from the screen, but if you're printing at home you'll waste a lot of ink and paper. Try this:

1. Go to your blog, but use the following as the URL:
(tip: change "blogname" to be the first part of the URL for your blog).

2. In your browser, save the web page. If there's a "complete" option, choose that because it'll get all the graphics you've put in your posts. I'd tell you where save is, but since I don't know where it is on every browser I'm not sure. Look for a Tools menu. In Chrome it's under the wrench icon at the upper right part of the screen.

3. Open up the file in Word. You will, most likely, want to get rid of the background so you don't waste ink.  That's under Page Layout-->Page Color-->No Color.

Blogger does have an export feature, but it dumps xml. I couldn't find an easy way to translate that into a file for humans to read (though if you like xml you'll like the dump, it's detailed). If you wanted to back up your blog, you'd want to use that export feature because you can directly import it back.


  1. Patti - you rock! Thanks for the info. You are obviously a fabulous teacher! ;)
